Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest...

Melissa Lost 7 Pounds & 2.6% Body Fat





185.2 lbs.

178 lbs.


34.25 inches

34 inches

Before I started at Sheboygan Fit Body Boot Camp, I was always tired. I was constantly running my kids everywhere, and making sure everyone else was taken care of. I injured my knee about 2 years ago and had to have surgery. The pain in my knee never really went away, and that became my excuse not to exercise. In January, I decided that it was time to start taking care of myself. I was the heaviest I've ever been. I needed to take myself off the back burner, so I could take better care of my kids. I was only 34 years old, but I was on blood pressure medication and pre-diabetic. I didn't know if I was going to be able to do the exercises, but I had to try.

When I walked in the door, Brent, whom I lovingly call Boss, greeted me and helped me through my first day. He slowly started talking about nutrition, and got me on the path to better health. I started attending boot camp 4-5 times a week, and I was seeing progress. He talked about the TT challenge, and I said I'm in! I do better with my nutrition and staying consistent with exercise when I have to be held accountable. The TT challenge was perfect for that. I made sure I tracked my meals, ate clean, and stayed within my macros. Over the 12 weeks, I started working out 5-6 times a week.

Part way through, I didn't need modifiers anymore, and by the end, I was able to do things I've never been able to do in my life. I can do pushups on my toes, and just about any variation they throw at me. I still need a band to help, but I'm doing pull ups. I love any core exercise they give us, and my back thanks me. My back pain is so much less than it's ever been. When I think I can't do anymore, the trainers, or someone in my Fit Fam pushes me to do it. The TT is great because it doesn't matter where you're starting. There's always a way to modify and to improve.

Thanks to the TT challenge and SFBBC my life has changed drastically. Over the last 12 weeks I've lost 7.2 pounds, 2.6% body fat, and numerous inches. I'm closer to my goals than I've ever been before, and there's no stopping me now. I'm addicted to the new habits I've created since starting the TT challenge. I have so much more energy, strength, and I'm healthier now.

I am no longer pre-diabetic, and I'm off my blood pressure medication. I'm able to keep up with kids crazy schedules, and do so much more with them. I can go for runs and bike rides with them again. I'm no longer tired all the time.

The TT challenge and SFBBC has helped me improve my life and the lives of my 5 kids. I am more motivated than ever to continue my journey. With the help of my awesome trainers, and my fit family, I know I can achieve my goals.

- Melissa Schultz


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