Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2012...

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Paula Loses 9.6 inches from her Waist While Re-Gaining her Confidence

My decision to start my journey of losing weight began back in March. My husband and I had planned a trip to Jamaica. I tried on various types of bathing suits. I lacked the self-confidence to wear a 2 piece. I wasn't happy with the way I looked. I did not like looking at myself in the mirror. I felt comfortable wearing loose clothing to cover my body.

While in Jamaica I saw a lot of gorgeous woman. So when I got back home that's when I needed to do something with my body image. I met with a trainer and discussed what kind of goals I wanted to set for myself. I knew that the journey to become fit was going to require a lot of time, energy and most of all support from family and friends. My biggest struggle through this entire journey was changing my diet. I had to have an open mind on trying new foods and having the will power to say "NO" to some of my favorite foods.

Coming to the end of this journey I can now say I have more confidence in myself and am not afraid to wear clothing that fits my body image and style.                                           

Beginning Stats: 
- chest:  43 inches
- shoulders:  46.4 inches
- waist:  48 inches
- hips:  53.8 inches
- thighs:  25.2 inches
- arms:  14.6 inches

Ending Stats: 
- chest:  42 inches
- shoulders:  44.8 inches
- waist:  38.4 inches
- hips:  50.8 inches
- thighs:  24.8 inches
- arms:  13.2 inches

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