Hi, my name is Lisa Stephenson. I am married to a wonderful man, for 26 + years. We have two sons, twenty -one and eighteen. I love my family very much. I want to be around to see my grandkids and I want to have the energy to keep up with
them. The way I was going wasn’t working my energy level was low. I used the excuse, I am too tired to work out. That is a bad excuse.
You see my weight problems started after we lost our 1st baby (girl) twenty - two years ago.
When I found out I was pregnant with our second child three months later, I was limited (by doctor) on what I could do. I was also put on complete bed rest for eight weeks before our son was born and the doctor would not allow me to do any exercises for eight weeks afterwards due to having a C-Section.
I never had the motivation or the energy to work out especially with a baby in the house therefore, I never lost the baby weight. Three years later our third child was born 11 weeks premature. I was also placed on complete bed rest 8 weeks before and no exercise for at least 8 weeks afterwards.
However because he was premature he had to stay in the hospital for 5 weeks, then he was sent home on a heart monitor. We had a ton of dr. visits for his first year of life. Maybe this explains why I used excuses to not take care of myself and exercise. I was just too tired and no energy.
Then a year and a half ago my mother (who also didn’t take care of herself because, she was always taking care of others and because of her weight her legs hurt so she couldn’t exercise) became ill with the flu, spent 35 days in intensive care, then died with ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome).
It was at this time I had to get my weight under control. I had to gain my life back. I started a weight management class and lost 20 pounds. I was walking 3 5 miles at least 5 times a week.
When all of a sudden I hit a Plateau. No matter what I did the weight just stayed the same. Then my husband came home and told us he hired a trainer (Mike, TT Certified). A few weeks into it and the weight started to fall off. Mike sent us information of this TT contest. I signed up for it.
Now 84 days later, I have seen amazing results. I have a shape not just a blob. I know have more energy than I know what to do with. The work outs are amazing, tough but worth it. Thanks to this awesome way of exercising I am on my way to a
healthy life.
The results are:
June 2011 August 2011
Weight 186 174
Neck 14 1⁄2 14
Chest 42 1⁄2 39 1⁄2
Waist 40” 37”
Hips 42 1⁄2 41 1⁄2
Thigh 23” 22”
Lisa Stephenson