Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2011...

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Ana Lost a Total Of 6 Lbs Using TT Fat Loss Switch

My name is Ana Maria Olvera Rodriguez, I’m 40

I started exercising a year ago. First I didn’t know if this was woing to work but know I can see and say that it works and works really well.

It’s a flexible program, comfortable and meets my needs.

It has helped me a lot with my self confidence, have seen some big physical changes. The best of all is that I’m not saying this, friends and family are the ones saying this.

This last weeks have been really hard, between social meetings, vacations and birthday parties my diet went not the way I expected.

The good thing of this lifestyle is that those bad days don’t affect my body as they used to. Some days I have skipped my workouts but every Monday I go into the gym with 100% motivation. I skipped a whole week and unfortunately the pain on my hips returned, but in the moment I started working out again all the pain was gone, there must be something with these workouts.

Since my early teens I’ve been suffering with some hormonal imbalances that affect my period, I had them every 3 or 4 months at best, but starting this you’re my period is now regular without any meds or any kind of training, the only different thing in my life is Turbulence Training.

Is sad that I didn’t reach my goal, there’s still a long way to go and I expect to reach that goal this year. My main motivation is to look back and note the transformation of my body. My overall health has improved a lot, have reduced my size. My body, arms, and legs look a lot better now.

Attached you can see some pics of my evolution from 2002 to this day.

The change is amazing and I know there’s still more to come.

I tend to depress when I think that I have not achieved anything, but after looking at this pictures I can see that really is a change.

It’s hard for me to believe that I have lost all this weight and sizes, but when I go shopping I note that I need to look for different sizes. I used to buy clothes at a store where the smaller size is 14, now I enter that store and they tell me that I won’t find my size there, I enjoy that, now I need to look for new stores.

I thank God first of all for giving me the opportunity to open my eyes, to learn to see me in a different and better way. I would like to thank my brother Julio my personal trainer for his patience, dedication and his effort. To my brothers Lety and Victor for being a good support team and good TT partners.

And specially thanks to Turbulence Training for making all this changes in my life

Total Weight Loss 6 lbs

Workouts Done

TT Fat Loss Switch

Bodyweight 1000

Bodyweight 1000 2K10

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