Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2014...

Marlene Shed 3 Inches Off Her Waist with HWR and Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks





193 lbs.

187 lbs.


39 inches

35.9 inches

I signed on Turbulence Training 12 week program and feverishly worked towards losing weight – well that was the goal.

Along the way a transformation occurred. I lost weight but more amazingly the use of cardio fitness, TT home workouts and the buff dudes-hot chicks training melted away the inches to total loss of 13.2 inches.

My transformation now means the lifestyle changes are in place. The benefits being I am fitter and healthier to run and box with those around me without breathlessness. I have a stronger core to more easily lift and manoeuvre items in my job but above all the overall fitness, the mindset that every moment when I can lift a weight, stretch my triceps, punch out some push ups and squat to my favourite song is the normal rather than the abnormal, it is the comfortable as opposed to the uncomfortable. This is now my life. I have moved to a transformed and focus lady, proud of her achievements and new found shape and lifestyle.



With Craig Ballantyne's Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Workouts A Week

Say Goodbye To Long, Slow Boring Cardio Exercises and Start Incinerating Maximum Fat In Minimum Time With Killer Workouts You Can Do In The Privacy Of Your Own Home In 45 Minutes Or Less...

Click HERE for Turbulence Training

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