Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2011...

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Melissa Drops 18 Pounds and 8% Body Fat to Get Back Into the BEST Shape of Her Life

I started my turbulence training program on 1/12/2010.  This was just after my
40th birthday.    My BMI was normal at 24.  I measured my body fat percentage
which was 30 %!  WHAT?    I have worked out almost daily for the last 10
years.  My weight hasn`t strayed too much except for pregnancy.  

I wear about a size 6-8.    I started TT to give myself motivation and shock
my body to getting into the best shape of my life.  I work full time with two
children and Turbulence Training seemed like the solution to my very hectic life.

These are my stats:

Weight 143

body fat 30%
bust 36
chest 31
abdomen: 30
hips 36

After approximately 12 weeks of the greatest program on earth here are my stats:

Weight 125

body fat 22%
bust 35
chest 30
abdomen 28
hips 33

Einstein said,  "Insanity: doing the same thing and expecting different
results." That was my workout/nutrition routine. Although I had been working
out 5-7 days a week, I looked and felt the same.  I have run marathons, biked,
hiked, done every cardio regimen under the sun, meanwhile maintaining my
weight and even gaining weight while training for the marathon!  Not to
mention the hours wasted doing endless cardio.  

This all changed with turbulence training.  I changed my focus to intense fat
blasting workouts with remarkable results.  

What I loved best about turbulence training was that I felt incredible after
each workout, never drained and tired, but pumped for the rest of the day.
Additionally, I started seeing muscle and definition where I had none before.  

The other essential benefit of Turbulence Training was the time spent in the
gym.  Whereas before I spent at least 1-1.5 hours 5-6 days a week, I was able
to cut down that time by working out intensely three days a week.  I also
implemented a calorie deficient by the old fashion way, counting calories.  I
decreased my alcohol intake, decreased extra treats and the pounds melted
away.  I wouldn`t say it was easy, but it wasnt incredibly difficult either.  

I do want to emphasize no food was forbidden.  I did eat treats occasionally,
or had a glass or wine (even two!); but I did include it in my overall calorie
count.  Support of the forums was an added bonus, I learned a ton information
about health and fitness and Craig was always available for questions or

It took me forty years to get here, but I`m in the best shape of my life!

Thanks Craig!


With Craig Ballantyne's Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Workouts A Week

Say Goodbye To Long, Slow Boring Cardio Exercises and Start Incinerating Maximum Fat In Minimum Time With Killer Workouts You Can Do In The Privacy Of Your Own Home In 45 Minutes Or Less...

Click HERE for Turbulence Training

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