Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2013...

Shannon Used the Original TT for Fat Loss and Lost 18 Pounds of Fat and Shed 5 Inches Off His Waist





210 lbs.

192 lbs.


42 inches

37 inches

For many years I have been overweight, completely out of shape, and with absolutely no ambition to change. Now at 34 years old and 210 pounds, I had finally convinced myself that lifestyle changes are very much in need.

In the last year or so I had put on about 20 pounds, mostly in my midsection. Clothes that used to be a bit loose were becoming a bit snug. My daily routine consisted of coffee with sugar, heavy, carb filled lunches, and my favorite - eating a bowl of ice cream in front of the television every evening before bed.

On weekends there was always beer and take out. When my girlfriend decided to join the gym I laughed at her, thinking that she would quit within 2 weeks. I would see her off to the gym every evening, thinking that this would be her last trip and I wouldn't have to hear about it anymore.

Every evening she'd arrive home more energetic and excited than the next. Every evening she'd begin to try and convince me to join the gym. All the while I'd listen and make excuses as to why it wasn't time for me to start just yet (no good sneakers, no gym clothes, can't afford it, not enough time, etc.).

In fact, I had zero interest in joining the gym, or doing any kind of physical activity for that matter. My evening ice cream was more important to me!

Then she told me about a new weight loss challenge that she was participating in and the Turbulence Training program workouts that she was doing.

I was mildly intrigued but even more so when I started to notice the results she was getting. In just 12 short weeks she had dropped a considerable amount of weight and inches.

I decided it was finally time to give in to her. I told her I would try the 1 week free trial at Stretch Fitness, and knowing that there was another Turbulence Training Transformation Challenge starting in September, I would sign up for it if my first week went ok.

The first week went much better than expected so I gave her the green light to sign me up for the challenge and whip me into shape!

Following my girlfriend's diet ( not religiously, but to the best of my ability given where my diet was when I started! ) of lean proteins, fruit and vegetables and whole grains, and starting with the TT workouts I began to see results.

Pounds and inches were disappearing and I was beginning to feel great. There are such a large variety of TT workouts that I was never bored and started to challenge myself with the more advanced workouts.

I went from 210 pounds to 192 and lost 5 inches from my waist. I can seriously not remember a time in my life that I was in better shape!

I would recommend the Turbulence Training programs to anyone, without a doubt! They have helped me get closer to goals and results that I've always wanted to see but was never able to achieve due to lack of motivation. I am now mentally and physically ready to take things to the next level and TT will be included every step of the way!



With Craig Ballantyne's Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Workouts A Week

Say Goodbye To Long, Slow Boring Cardio Exercises and Start Incinerating Maximum Fat In Minimum Time With Killer Workouts You Can Do In The Privacy Of Your Own Home In 45 Minutes Or Less...

Click HERE for Turbulence Training

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