Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2013...

Levi Used TT for Meatheads and Added 2 Inches to His Shoulders and Chest





191 lbs.

189 lbs.


36 inches

33 inches

Week 1. – 4.:

First we started with a consultation with my coach David, we discussed my goals forthe upcoming 3 month and my further plans, what do I want to achieve etc. Than I measured my arms, legs, chest, shoulder, neck, so we could see how I evolve over time. I took the pictures with the help of my brother, and than it was on. These four weeks was all about learning. I learned how much I should eat and when, and of course what. For me, this turned out to be much more challenging than the workout itself. The workout part of this month was spent getting familiar with the exercises i needed for the upcoming weeks, for example deadlift, squat, and with instruments like kettlebell, jungle gym (TT for Meatheads). I needed to learn how to workout to not waste my energy but to use it and spend my time effectively. I also needed to improve my stamina in order to be able to start working out effectively. I started off mainly with bodyweight exercises like pull ups, push ups, squat.

Week 4. – 8.:

During the first few weeks, I learned how to do the exercises I needed, and what shall I pay attention to while I work out. So by the end of the fourth week, I could start working out with actual weights, but of course I also did bodyweight training every time (TT Fusion). I was so happy with the results as I could feel myself getting stronger literally day by day, and it was awesome to see that I can increase the weights from time to time. To sum it up, I learned a lot, and the first time in my life I did not feel like an outsider in the gym, I actually knew what I am doing, and what I am there for.

Week 8. – 12.:

I changed pretty much during the period from fourth week to eight week, and i was satisfied with my results so far, but my coach pointed out that if I want to win the competition, I need to show more effort, meaning I shall eat more strategically. So I started EatStopEat 2x a week a day after every workout day. For the end of the last four-week period, it delivered results as it can be seen on the pictures and on my measurements. We also did the same test we did when we started. The results were surprising! Of course everything evolved, but for example, I could do three times more dips than when I started. I really enjoyed the past 3 months, and I am planning to go further on the road I just started.



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