I had achieved quite a good fitness level twenty or so years ago while I was in my twenties. I could manage pounding the pavement mile after mile in my quest to a decent half marathon time.
That is the beauty of being young; your body can take a degree of punishment and allow you to do it over again.
But that was a couple of decades ago. All that punishment has come back to haunt me now I am older and in conjunction with a significant back injury I suffered a few years ago; exercising for fitness and weight loss while in my forties was looking an impossible mission.
I had been doing straight cardio for nine months with only small improvements. I switched up my training and started working with Ali Fox. Ali was doing her Turbulence Training certification and was quite excited about the benefits.
Ali introduced TT routines into our sessions and as I persevered with them I began to see significant benefits and share her passion for this style of exercise.
I was becoming stronger in most of my muscle groups and losing a significant amount of body fat without muscle loss. I was excited.
Ali encouraged me to enter the TT Challenge and I worked my way through the Home Workout Revolution while enjoying her support and advice during the twelve week challenge.
Along with the physical workouts I have gradually eliminated processed foods from my diet and loosely followed a paleo-eating plan.
I am amazed what I have been able to achieve without hours and hours of mindless pavements bashing and starvation diets. My weary joints and back have actually improved to my delight. I simply love the results!