My name is Chuck. I am 5 feet 10 inches tall and 39 years old. I have struggled with my weight my entire life.
I have lost weight before but would always gain it back. I would go back and forth from 190 pounds to 220 pounds. I had three deaths in my family in 2006 through 2007, the last of which was my Dad passing away of a heart attack.
At that point I didn’t take care of myself and let myself go. At weight my heaviest on December 26th, 2011. I was 266 pounds. At that time, I was not aware of Turbulence Training or proper nutrition, so I used only mainstream workout DVD’s as my tools to lose weight.
As you can imagine, it worked for me as I had so much to lose. I got down to about 223 pounds on May 4th, 2013. I had lost 43 pounds at that point and was very happy with my results but I knew I needed to go further to be my healthiest.
Thankfully, I found Turbulence Training. I started using Turbulence Training during the 17th transformation using Home Workout Revolution.
I was amazed at my success during that contest and got all the way down to 204 pounds and lost 3.5 inches off my belly. With that success, I knew Turbulence Training was the best exercise philosophy for me.
I liked the accountability the transformation contest gave me so I decided to enter this contest to continue toward my goal. Which is to be the healthy version of myself I can be.
Through Turbulence Training program, Eat Stop Eat and the knowledge of the forums, I felt like I would get to my goal.
For this contest I used the new TT 2.0 workout program and completed the Intermediate, Advanced and Expert programs.
Although I had some disappointments along the way, I am happy with my results and will continue to my goal using the Turbulence Training programs. Although I know I still have a ways to go, the changes I can see in my body will continue to motivate me to get to my fittest.