First of all, I would like to thank my trainer Shelley Turk for introducing me to Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training and getting me to a WHOLE NEW level of training and fitness. Without Shelley I would be still doing what I had been doing for the past 6+ years Group Power Monday and Wednesday, Spin on Tuesday and Thursday and a yoga class on Friday.
I had reached a certain level of fitness and there was no change in my body shape happening. I was working out 5 days a week and just barely maintaining my weight! I was to the point of being embarrassed that friends and family knew I was at the gym by 5:30 am 5 days a week and still had the “muffin top” happening! In November of 2011 there was a change of management at the gym and there was a cutback on the early morning classes.
Personally, this was the best thing that could have happened! The new management offered two free consultations with a Personal Trainer. After meeting with Shelley, I FINALLY realized if I wanted to see a change in my body, I needed to MAKE A CHANGE, not only in my workouts, but in my diet!
I used to think I can eat this I workout 5 days a week! I now have a new motto “You can’t work off a bad diet”. After several months of various TT workouts, Shelley introduced me to the Transformation contest. The transformation contest made me accountable for my calorie intake and TT provided me with the fastest and most effective tools to give me success! Throughout the 12 weeks, I wasn’t focused on winning, but eating nutritionally, ditching pasta, rice, potatoes, increasing protein, fruit and vegetable intake. With these small changes, came SUCCESS!
There is now 14.5cm and 7lbs less of me!
Sept. 10th Nov. 29
Chest 93cm 90cm
Navel 88cm 81.5cm
Gluteal Hip 97cm 95cm
Rt arm 31cm 30cm
Lt arm 31cm 30cm
Rt thigh 48.5cm 48cm
Lt thigh 48.5c 48cm
Weight 136.4 lbs 129.4 lbs
Thanks to Craig and TT for my success and lifestyle change!!!
Brenda Baillargeon