Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2013...

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Shari Drastically Increased Her Endurance While Losing 2.9 Pounds in the Process





157.5 lbs.

154.8 lbs.


39 inches

38 inches


39 inches

36.5 inches


42.5 inches

40 inches

My weight loss journey began in August 2012 when I was introduced to Herbalife protein meal replacements and started exercising once per week. After 8 weeks, I increased my exercising to 2 to 3 times per week. The weight came off very slowly as I had not completely adjusted my eating habits to align with steady weight loss. I then added Zumba classes to my exercise routine and I started to notice the weight coming off at about 1 to 2 pounds per week. Another 12 weeks passed and although the weight loss was there, I noticed I was not really getting stronger and my body shape was not improving much.

At this point I decided to take advantage of my husband’s employer’s fitness center and is where I met Certified Turbulence Trainer Lesa Gutenkunst, owner of Lakeside Fitness.

She introduced me to Turbulence Training and within 8 weeks of working with her my strength and endurance began to increase. She invited me to join the TT transformation challenge and I could not come up with any reason why I couldn’t do this.

I continued to follow the Herbalife protein and healthy meal program of two shakes a day plus sensible dinners and healthy snacks, albeit not as consistently as I should have. Even with my occasional dietary slips, I still lost a little weight, but more significantly, I lost several inches off my hips, thighs, and waist.

I contribute the loss of inches to the Turbulence training program as my muscles worked harder than any other exercise program I have done in the past. There were workouts that I thought I couldn't do, but I took to heart something Lesa had said, "Your body won't go where your mind doesn't push it". This became my mantra and I started to believe that I could do the challenging exercises. I am much stronger now than when I started the 12 week challenge, and my endurance has increased.

My greatest achievement with this challenge has to be the fact that before TT, I couldn't even run 1 mile without stopping, now I can run 2 miles without stopping and without being winded.

Thank you!


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