Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2013...

Vote for the winner of the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest Below! Only 1 Vote allowed per IP Address, so be sure before you click the vote button!

Jorge Lost 5 Pounds While Working Out Less Than Ever Using the Home Workout Revolution





200 lbs.

195 lbs.


42.5 inches

44 inches


15 inches

17 inches


13 inches

14.2 inches

Upper Ab

38 inches

37 inches


37.5 inches

36 inches


20.5 inches

22 inches


14.7 inches

16 inches

Starting this challenge was a major step for me, it meant I was going to have to commit to a program and I would be held accountable. I have been starting and stopping fitness programs for many years now and never following through on any of them. This time was going to be it.

I want to stay active for myself and for my family. I have learned there are my aspects of myself I had not yet tapped into and a lot of potential I was not using to the fullest. I started setting daily goals to achieve and to help keep me focused on my overall goal of staying active and being fit. There were good days and bad, but every day I would strive to do something positive to keep me moving forward. If I was too tired to do my scheduled training I would bribe myself to just do one set and if I still wanted to stop after that I would, every time I would complete the training. I am continuing to learn things about myself and make adjustments as I go along.

I have been following the 16/8 fasting/eating program now for about 4 months and I am really enjoying the freedom of not worrying about eating every 3-4 hours to meet my calorie intake in a day. Don’t get me wrong it took some time to get used to. I had to do it gradually to let my body get use to not eating breakfast. I use to roll out of bed and eat breakfast before I would do anything else in the morning for over 40 years. Now the daily fasting is a habit I have no problem sticking to everyday.

I have to admit, it took me a few weeks to realize, but I was not training with max effort every day like I should have. I had convinced myself that I knew better then Craig or any of the other awesome people on the thread that I should be working out every day for an hour or more. Well to say it was counterproductive would be an understatement. I was not using my time wisely in the gym and I was paying for it. Luckily I reevaluated my training and started making progress. Thank you to everyone who gave words of encouragement and posted on the thread of your diets and workouts. They are all great motivators.

Overall, a positive gain for me. I will use the knowledge I have gained to continue training and learning o keep the momentum from this program going for many years to come. (Can't get pix to up load, will post them later or will have to email them.)

The workout programs I have been using have been:

-       Home Workout Revolution
-       5x5 Meathead
-       Grindhouse
-       TT Summit 2K13 Workout

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