I am so pleased and surprised with my progress. At first I was worried. I have been trying different types of exercise and diets for a long time. The most I would lose was a temporary 5 pounds. Before I new it I was at my heaviest and feeling my worst.
The first thing I noticed was that I actually enjoyed working out. Even on days when my body was in pain I was able to work through it instead of skipping it entirely. In fact while I was working out there were times when the workout itself was like a pain reliever.
I love the fact that I didn’t need to go to a gym. I have made it to the Intermediate Level in the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program. This program has become a part of my lifestyle not just a temporary fad.
I must admit though, at first I was worried that I wasn’t making progress. Not because of the training but because there were a couple of bad eating and drinking habits that I did not change. However, I did notice that my clothes were fitting a lot better.
Friends and co-workers were making comments on how good I looked. My energy and confidence levels were going up! Despite not changing all my habits entirely (though I still intend too) I was still making progress!
Until a couple of days before the end of this contest I was afraid to step on the scale but when I did I was pleasantly surprised that I had lost 13 pounds. Then my measurements surprised me even more:
Another bonus is that I fit back into my favorite jeans so of course I had to send that picture in as well.
Namaste from a very happy TT Member.